Thames Valley Council For Community Action

Our Mission To address systemic and structural barriers that cause poverty for families and individuals in Eastern Connecticut by focusing community resources, partnerships, and services on the social determinants of health and well-being.


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TVCCA Organization Details

Founded in 1965, Thames Valley Council for Community Action (TVCCA) is a nonprofit dedicated to helping individuals and families overcome barriers to well-being and independence. Serving Eastern Connecticut, TVCCA provides essential programs that address economic stability, housing, nutrition, early childhood education, and senior services.

Key Programs:

  • Case Management: Connecting individuals with agency programs, benefits, and community resources.
  • Early Childhood Education: Head Start, Early Head Start, and Little Learners for pregnant women and children up to age 5.
  • Family Support: Home visiting programs offering parenting resources for expecting and new parents.
  • Employment & Training: Job-seeker assistance and career advisory services.
  • Energy Assistance: Help with energy bills, repairs, and budget counseling.
  • Nutrition Assistance: Meals on Wheels for homebound seniors and congregate meal programs.
  • WIC: Food and nutrition support for women, infants, and children.
  • Housing Supports: Assistance for individuals and families through the Coordinated Access Network.
  • RSVP: Volunteer opportunities for those 55+ to assist seniors and individuals with disabilities.

TVCCA works collaboratively with local, state, and federal partners to ensure equitable access to resources, empowering individuals to achieve financial and personal stability.

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Of $5,000 Fundraising Goal
$10 in Donations + $1 Bonus Bucks sponsored by Webster Bank
Donate 102 Days Remaining to Donate
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