Gifts of Love, Inc. in Avon CT helps meet the basic needs of individuals and families in the Greater Hartford area experiencing a short-term financial crisis so that they can return to self sufficiency.

Gifts of Love, Inc. in Avon CT helps meet the basic needs of individuals and families in the Greater Hartford area experiencing a short-term financial crisis so that they can return to self sufficiency.
Founded in 1989, Gifts of Love is devoted to the needs of the community and responds to the needs of individuals and families who have been impacted by a financial crisis through the distribution of food, clothing and household necessities, empowering them toward a path to self-sufficiency. The organization primarily serves people facing a financial crisis due to reduced work hours, illness, divorce, death of a spouse/mate, exiting an abusive relationship, or a significant unexpected increase in expenses.
The Food and Nutrition Program includes food pantries at our Avon and Hartford office locations. The food pantry enables clients to “shop” for food once per month and is stocked with a wide variety of non-perishable foods, paper goods, personal hygiene items, meats, and fresh produce.
The Weekend Food Backpack Program distributes backpacks to over 300 students receiving free or reduced-cost lunch in need in Greater Hartford with easy-to-prepare meals and drinks for the family for the weekend and snacks for the student for the week.
Ways to Donate:
Online: Simply click the donate button to make your donation today!
By Check: Download the fillable form and mail with your check to the address provided
Donor Advised Funds:
Don't forget to check to see if your company will match your donation! Donors who would like to have their gift matched by a corporation must make their gift through the BFC fundraising page and complete their company's required paperwork. The corporate match must be received by the final day of the program, June 23, to receive the 15% bonus.