Lions Low Vision 23B Hartford & Litchfield Counties

To enhance the quality of life for the visually impaired, through new ways to utilize remaining eyesight.


More Details

The Lions Low Vision Centers, Inc., serving Hartford and Litchfield counties provides rehabilitation services to individuals with visual disabilities and handicaps. “Low vision” is that degree of vision loss that can no longer be corrected by eyeglasses, contacts, medicine or surgery.  In 1925, Helen Keller challenged the members of Lions Clubs International to become  “Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?... Let no little deaf-blind child go untaught, no blind man or woman go unaided.”  The Lions Clubs of Connecticut are meeting that challenge in many ways including the operation of Low Vision Centers. Clients seen at a Lions Low Vision Center must be under the care of an eye professional and must have been seen by them within the last month. 

Current Total


Of $30,000 Fundraising Goal
$1,140 in Donations + $171 Bonus Bucks sponsored by Webster Bank
Donate 102 Days Remaining to Donate
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