The Linda Lorelle Scholarship Fund

We provide college scholarships, support and guidance to Houston area high school students who need financial assistance and may have fewer opportunities for scholarships because of social status and circumstances beyond their control.


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We believe that all students should have the opportunity to pursue higher education regardless of the circumstances they were born. This means not only providing financial support but critical guidance on how to be successful in college, the workforce, and in life. This holistic approach shows our students it is possible to change the trajectory of their lives and impact future generations. Co-Founders, Linda Lorelle and Lou Gregory’s vision recognized the importance of providing more than just scholarships if the students selected are to be truly successful, In order to achieve that goal, the organization decided to target high school juniors as scholarship applicants so that LLSF leaders have the recipient’s full senior year to work with them and provide college preparedness and life skills training. To date, the program has awarded $4.7 million to 373 scholars since 1992.

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