Golden Butterfly Bakers

Golden Butterfly Baker’s mission is to love on the least, the lost and the marginalized via the gift of quality baked goods to remind them that they have not been forgotten.


More Details

Golden Butterfly Bakers provides high-quality baked goods to homeless organizations, transition,  trafficking rescue, and halfway housing facilities, and prison ministries as a tangible expression of God’s grace and love. Our baked goods are prepared by passionate volunteers and freely given to the recipients with no expectation of return or recognition. We are selective with our ingredients and preparation methods and we strive for excellence in everything we bake.  We have 12 Houston based recipients that provide services for 10,000 persons.  These organizations receive about 8,000 cookies, 600 muffins, and 800 biscuits on a weekly basis. Our mission is supported by a team of dedicated volunteers who get these baked goods prepared, packaged and delivered each week.  In addition to our weekly production, we also donate cookies to 8 Kairos prison ministry weekends each Spring and Fall, a total of about 3,000 dozen (36,000!) cookies.

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Of $8,000 Fundraising Goal
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