Our mission is to fund congenital heart defect (CHD) research and support heart families.

Our mission is to fund congenital heart defect (CHD) research and support heart families.
We lost our little boy on May 3, 2015 due to complex congenital heart defects. He now plays with Jesus. Most people knew him as Graeme Bone or Little Brother. He had the most infectious smile and giant brown eyes you could ever see. His voice was pure innocence. He was so smart. He loved everything that his big brother had. He loved tractors of all types, colors, and sizes. He loved tractor rides, swinging, and pacis of all flavors. He loved to cook with his momma and do anything his daddy happened to be doing at the time.
He was brought into this world in a whirlwind. He never had it easy in life due to his complex little heart and stomach. He was our little fighter. He spent the first couple of months flirting with the various nurses of the NICU. After that, he came home to spread happiness to everyone he came in contact with. So many people have benefitted from being around him. Although he had plenty of excuses not to be, he was the happiest little kid we could ask for. We are so blessed that we were able to spend two and a half years with him. He has taught us so much about family, love, and the gift of children.
It is now our mission to share Graeme's story and fundraise to support congenital heart defect (CHD) research through events held during the year. We are funding research locally at our major heart centers, two of the top in the world. We are meeting with medical teams and deciding where our funds will best improve survival rates, longevity, and quality of life for individuals living with CHDs. Over the last 3 years, we have funded close to $1,000,000 in CHD research! While we are heavily research focused, we reserve approximately 2% of funding to support heart families going through financial hardships that have been brought on solely due to unforeseen medical circumstances. We know firsthand how stressful and scary it is to be away from your home and your other children to support a baby that is fighting for their life. We will always keep trying to make life better for heart warriors and their families. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about The Graeme McDaniel Foundation.