
OneGoal-Texas is a leading college access and success organization that works to close the degree divide. We partner with public schools in low-income communities to ensure postsecondary planning, preparation, and support are no longer extracurricular luxuries, but integral components of the high school experience. We believe that every student, regardless of their academic profile or socioeconomic background, deserves access to the support and resources needed to pursue a postsecondary pathway and to the economic opportunity and financial stability that a degree or credential affords. The progress OneGoal has made in helping students realize their greatest postsecondary opportunity over the last several years has showcased the talent and potential of our city’s students.


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Today, only 22 percent of 10th graders in the bottom economic quartile complete a postsecondary degree or credential by their 26th birthday, compared to 67 percent of students in the top economic quartile. Known as the degree divide, this difference in outcomes has profound consequences on the collective well-being and economy of our region, and future generations. OneGoal's three year program begins in the high school classroom for students in their junior year and follows them through a critical transitional period of their senior year in high school and first year of postsecondary education. Our students are those that academically fall in the middle 50% of their class because historically, our education system provides high volumes of funding to the top 10% of students with higher GPAs. OneGoal focuses specifically on students with a “C” average because we believe that every student should have equitable access to their postsecondary aspirations. 

OneGoal students enroll in postsecondary institutions at far higher levels than their peers in low-income areas, and even at a slightly higher rate than students from high-income schools.  This means we have closed the postsecondary enrollment gap and made meaningful progress toward closing the degree divide. Our students are also outpacing their peers from similar backgrounds in graduation rates by ten percentage points-- meaning that they are 1.5X more likely to earn a degree than their Houston area peers.  

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