Shakan Global Mission Inc

To nurture Christ-centered partnerships that foster sustainability for families in Uganda through economic empowerment, integrated health, agriculture, and access to education.


More Details

Shakan Global Mission is working with a Non-Profit organization (NGO) in Uganda with 2 focuses


Sponsoring a child is more than a financial gift to pay school fees.  Sponsorship helps to:

a. Prevent Child Marriages  – research shows that child marriages can be prevented if girls get a secondary education.

b.  Provide Nutrition - School Meals are roften the only meals the child receives.

c. Empower the Community the child lives in.  The Shakan Global Mission Program Coordinator is mobilizing pastors to participate in a discipleship program called Truth Centered Transformation, (TCT).

TCT addresses the roots of generational poverty through practical teachings on mindset shifts, marriage, health, agriculture, economic empowerment, and acts of love in the community. Over 1,000 communities in Africa and Asia have risen above poverty in the past 15 years through pastors/leaders who have followed the Truth Centered Transformation principles.


Shakan Global Mission Center (under construction) will host teams of short term mission workers, infrastructure investors, and locals to collaborate on various projects for an exponential impact to empower families and transform the communities.

The Prayer Garden, is a peace filled atmosphere to pray/meditate has just been completed.
An organic Agricultural Training Farm will be developed to provide locals with skills and employment.

December 2025 is the goal to open the Mission Center to guests, pending funding.  

Current Total


Of $10,000 Fundraising Goal
$5,110 in Donations + $766 Bonus Bucks sponsored by Webster Bank
Donate 0 Days Remaining to Donate
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