
ReadyCT is committed to advancing academic excellence and career-connected learning for all public school students in Connecticut through collaboration with business, civic, and education leaders.


More Details

ReadyCT designs and delivers career readiness training for high school students, with a focus on students who attend school in an underperforming school district. The students served in our programming -- which is delivered in school buildings by embedded ReadyCT team members -- are overwhelmingly low-income students, disproportionately represented by students of color.

A key element of programming is preparing students for high-quality paid internship experiences. Last school year (2022-23), over 400 high school students earned that opportunity! 

In short, ReadyCT sits at the intersection of business and education, allowing (1) businesses to inform instruction and experiences that will help students develop the core competencies they need to succeed, and (2) educators to build the competent talent pool that the Connecticut business community needs.

To learn more about ReadyCT, including districts where we operate and other efforts (e.g., policy advocacy). follow this link.

Current Total


Of $75,000 Fundraising Goal
$500 in Donations + $75 Bonus Bucks sponsored by Webster Bank
Donate 0 Days Remaining to Donate
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