Plymouth Volunteer Ambulance Corps

Through the spirit of volunteerism, we will provide the Town of Plymouth and neighboring communities with the highest level of quality emergency medical care available. We will render assistance during emergencies and further help those in the community to avoid injury or illness through education and prevention. Our assistance in non-emergency functions will be made available to the residents and community organizations of the Town of Plymouth.


More Details

The Plymouth Volunteer Ambulance Corps (PVAC) was established by a group of trained, dedicated volunteers in 1968. The corps has continuously serviced our community for the past 56 years, which is quite impressive. In addition to over 1800 emergency calls we responded to last year, our ambulance crew covers many town wide functions which include The Terryville Fair, Terryville High School Career Day and Eli Terry Jr. Middle School CPR program annually. Currently we are providing AHA CPR certification classes and Hands Only CPR training to the public at our ambulance base. We are also actively engaging local teens through the Junior Members Program to become good citizens and learn skills needed to become future EMT’s, First Responders, and doctors.

We are a private non-profit business who relies on grants and donations to supplement the cost to provide emergency medical care to our community. Although we do get partial reimbursement from insurance providers for our services with rising costs the funds are not enough to cover our day-to-day operations. Over the past 10 years, we have purchased our own ambulances, uniforms, medical supplies, and provided training for our volunteer staff. Because we are a 24/7 coverage service provider, PVAC hires a commercial service to answer our Monday through Friday daytime calls, which is a very costly but necessary expense.

We are asking you, our friend and neighbor for additional support. Through your generosity we can continue to provide the caring services that your loved ones in the community have come to rely on. Please help us help others by making a tax-deductible donation to support our corps.

Current Total


Of $10,000 Fundraising Goal
$4,530 in Donations + $679 Bonus Bucks sponsored by Webster Bank
Donate 0 Days Remaining to Donate
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