Northeast Opportunities for Wellness (NOW), Inc.

Northeast Opportunities for Wellness, Inc. (NOW) is a non-profit human service organization dedicated to providing opportunities in youth wellness, regardless of access to financial resources.


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NOW partners with a variety of local youth and recreation sports organizations, covering registration fees for children who meet our qualifications for scholarship assistance. Our goal is for children to have access to the sport/activity of their choice, regardless of family income.

These partnerships present NOW with the ability to not only provide access to sports and healthy activities, but they also allow NOW to share fitness and nutrition education with all the children our partners serve. Throughout the year, NOW employees visit partner organizations, giving short presentations to children on best practices for stretching, hydrating, and eating healthy.

In addition to the scholarship assistance and fitness/nutrition training NOW provides to our partners, we also host a series of free wellness clinics focused on such sports as football, cheerleading, soccer, running, hockey, lacrosse, and basketball. Each clinic features skill-building stations lead by local coaches, high school athletes and volunteers. NOW also runs fitness and nutrition stations, with healthy snacks provided for participants. The intention of the clinics is to introduce children to a variety of sports as well as promoting healthy lifestyle choices.

Since 2017, NOW has also run a program dedicated to training adults in child sexual abuse prevention. The NOW Safe Coaching Program, has provided Darkness to Light Stewards of Children training to partner organization leaders and coaches. With Northeast Connecticut showing a high incidence of child sexual abuse allegations, the NOW Safe Coaching Program is intent on educating youth mentors so that abuse can be stopped, and the cycle be eliminated. Each year, NOW holds training sessions around the region open to coaches, educators, youth mentors and community members interested in child abuse prevention.

Current Total


Of $50,000 Fundraising Goal
$10,675 in Donations + $1,601 Bonus Bucks sponsored by Webster Bank
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