My Sisters' Place

My Sisters’ Place is committed to ending homelessness by empowering women, families and others in Greater Hartford to achieve independence and stability in their community by providing housing and supportive services.


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My Sisters’ Place (MSP) has been serving the women, children and families of Greater Hartford for over 40 years. MSP's many programs have one common goal: to break the cycle of homelessness while offering those in our care options for permanent, safe and affordable housing. MSP addresses existing homelessness by providing supportive housing and critical support services by qualified, compassionate staff while also addressing issues of equity and inclusion through programming such as Housing Mobility Counseling. All of our programs work to support our participants in achieving greater self-determination, independence and stability.

My Sisters’ Place currently provides:

  • Permanent Supportive Housing via 34 one- to three-bedroom apartments at Sue Ann Shay Place Apartments in Hartford, 30 one- bedroom apartments at Mary Seymour Place in Hartford, 24 one-to-three bedroom units at the Beaumont Lofts in Hartford, and 32 “scattered site” units.
  • Targeted services to children in our permanent supportive housing through our For the Love for Children Initiative, helping alleviate the challenges which accompany housing instability
  • Community residential programs for men and women with psychiatric disabilities, helping them to live on their own in apartments throughout the Hartford area.
  • Multiple security deposit and rental assistance programs. 
  • The Housing Mobility Counseling program which provides mobility counseling, landlord outreach, and housing search assistance for eligible participants in the Section 8 Housing Choice Program (Section 8) and Rental Assistance Program (RAP). Services have a strong emphasis on mobility moves from areas of very low and low opportunity to areas of high and very high opportunity, with families with young children receiving priority access.

Current Total


Of $5,000 Fundraising Goal
$625 in Donations + $93 Bonus Bucks sponsored by Webster Bank
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