Quilts2Heal, Inc

Provide comfort and healing through quilts created for those individuals and families who have suffered a loss, illness or challenge in their lives


More Details

Quilts2Heal was founded in 2012 in response to the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. Volunteers created personalized quilts for each of the 26 first graders and educators killed that day. Since then volunteers have created and distributed over 2,600 quilts throughout the country for those impacted by natural disasters, violence, abuse and illness. Quilts2Heal also creates personalized quilts for veterans. Quilts2Heal is entirely run by volunteers, ages 12 to 100!  Your support of Quilts2Heal through the marvelous Birdies for Charity program DOES make a difference for our mission to comfort others with our gift of gorgeous quilts. THANK YOU!

Current Total


Of $5,000 Fundraising Goal
$375 in Donations + $56 Bonus Bucks sponsored by Webster Bank
Donate 35 Days Remaining to Donate
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