The Tommy Fund for Childhood Cancer

The Tommy Fund was established to provide emotional, educational, medical and financial support to children with cancer and their families; and to improve the cure rate of childhood cancer through the Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven and the Yale School of Medicine.


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For 70 Years the Tommy Fund for Childhood Cancer has provided HELP & HOPE to children undergoing cancer treatment at the Tommy Fund Pediatric Hematology & Oncology Center Smilow Cancer Hospital, Yale New Haven and its affiliates. The Tommy Fund has supported these families by providing direct payment for rent, mortgage and other expenses so parents can take time off from work to tend to their child. In addition, the Tommy Fund provides funding to the Yale HEROs Clinic for cancer survivors as well as new programs and initiatives aimed to improve the lives of children with pediatric cancer.

Current Total


Of $2,000 Fundraising Goal
$45 in Donations + $6 Bonus Bucks sponsored by Webster Bank
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