Connecticut Lions Eye Research Foundation, Inc.

a) To foster and encourage among the citizens of Connecticut a lively interest in the conservation of sight and in the prevention and treatment of blindness. b) To stimulate, initiate and support programs and projects dedicated to the discovery and treatment of incipient eye disease and any other projects related to the blind and/or visually impaired. c) To promote and support basic research into the causes and treatment of human blindness in all of its forms.


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Established in 1956 by the Lions Clubs of Connecticut to support basic research into the causes of eye disease and blindness.  Expanded to in-community adult and child vision screenings to promote early detection of conditions that may cause future vision loss.

Current Total


Of $10,000 Fundraising Goal
$3,200 in Donations + $480 Bonus Bucks sponsored by Webster Bank
Donate 46 Days Remaining to Donate
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