Lioness Club of Beacon Falls, Inc.


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Dedicated to faith, hope & charity.  Faith in our community, Hope in our future, And charity to all. 

In 1999 a group of women met with the idea of forming a new club… but what kind?  We knew of the Lions Clubs International but there was already a Lions Club in town and even though Lions accepted women, we wanted our own club.  So, with the help of our angel and Godfather, Lion Gene Poulos, we broke down all opposition and formed a new Lioness Club.  Our official charter came in April of 2000.  We quickly recognized that because we are an all-women's club that means our members are busy working, being moms, wives, daughters, sisters, and friends.  We quickly decided to make member eligibility reflective of the demands on a typical woman's life - one meeting, one event a year.  Do what you can do!!  We also decided to eliminate dues for our club (we did not want to exclude members because they may not be able to cover the cost of dues).  This worked for our group and our members.

Since then, we have raised over $100,000 that we have donated to causes great and small within our community.   Small like special diabetic shoes, backpacks with school supplies for households in need,  support of the volunteer fire department, local youth groups, households that may need a meal during the holidays or any other time… not so small like filling an oil tank, fixing a car, helping a family after a fire, or when a family may be dealing with a tragedy … and the holidays where we assist households in need and adopt families to provide presents, dinners and even trees.  We love our community, and it is important to us for the community to feel that love. 

And while we raise money and support the community, we have a little fun and strengthen the sisterhood of the Lioness Club.

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